Thursday, July 8, 2010

Imagine my surprise...

...when I actually received a call back this morning. I had already decided I would have to place a call myself after Austin's breakfast to give them a nudge. Surprisingly, I didn't have to.

And once again, I was shocked when I found out our doctor actually wanted to do more investigation. Another dreadful EEG, possibly up to three days this time depending on how long it takes to capture all his seizures. And a PET scan. I was confused on this one since I wasn't aware that there was one in the area that was capable of accurately scanning Austin. Turns out, it's not at our hospital, but another one in the community. Wonder where that may be. Maybe the hospital I'm trying to get into. Regardless though, I'm pleasantly surprised that they're taking this seriously.

There definitely are several questionable factors in the equation. The first being the EEG. The second being last year's PET. But, with solid MRI evidence, they think it's worth checking out. Especially since his seizures have taken on a new appearance, the premature preference for his left hand, and the obvious signs of right sided discomfort in connection with seizures. She certainly seemed hesitant in giving me much hope, but the fact that they are willing to check it out is enough to go on for the moment.

In other news, the doctor I was trying to switch to...not taking new of two weeks ago. That so figures. On top of that, there's not another epilepsy specialist in the hospital. I asked about a recommendation for another one, which turns out to be about 5 hours away in Austin. But, my mom actually found a job posting where they are looking for new epis, so we'll see what happens there.


JSmith5780 said...

Even though long EEGs stink, it's good to know they are willing to look further!

happy's mommy said...

I am all about further investigation...



Sophie's Story by Elaine said...

Good shock...that is always nice ;)

Thinking of you lots as I know how hard this must be on you right now. I am here for you. Call me if you ever want to talk.

Unknown said...

At least you have their attention now...

It sounds like you have been and are on the right track...Keep after them and keep your options open....

Thinking about y'all....
