Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Breathe in...breathe out!!!

Eating some yummy 'nanas!

I feel like I've been holding my breath since January...

I think I can finally exhale now...now that the VMR is approved!!!! And, we got our airline tickets and hotel reservations. We waited 'til the last minute on that...and we paid dearly. But, lesson learned! I didn't know what else to do...

We will have to leave on Saturday instead of Sunday...Sunday flights were nearly booked and outrageously expensive. Even an extra night in the hotel is less expensive than leaving on Sunday! Crazy...

I'm still in awe over the Puffs. He's been eating them like a pro! One right after another...I can't even describe how important this is to me. We've been striving for this since last summer. Before Infantile Spasms even entered my vocabulary, I always pictured Austin sitting there in his high chair eating Cheerios. I think I might have even imagined that while I was pregnant with him. So, when the time came that he was supposed to be doing that and wasn't, I was devastated. It marks such a huge milestone in his development...combining so many of the skills we've been desperately trying to help him achieve -cognitive (it's food, eat it), fine motor coordination (getting them to his mouth), and oral motor (chew, chew, chew!). This ranks up there with walking in my book!

We can also add to that...spoon feeding! Well, sort of...I really think he's grasping the concept -just needs a little help with the coordination. He's got the right idea...get the spoon to his mouth. Now, getting the food from the spoon to his mouth is still a work in progress! Then we'll have to work on him getting the food onto the spoon himself...should be fun. I can just see it now, me scrubbing bananas and sweet potatoes off the floor..and the high chair...and the walls!!! Can't wait!!! :-D

1 comment:

JSmith5780 said...

Yay to Detroit and Yay to eating!!