I'm sure anyone who talks to me on a regular basis or has visited our easysite knows the importance of today...It's our LAST ACTH INJECTION!! That also means no more weekly bloodwork, no more Zantac, and hopefully, a lot more sleeping for Austin! After a night like last night, I couldn't be more excited about resuming a somewhat normal life. I'm guessing since the doses have been so low lately and he's still having some sleeping problems, that it will be a slow process getting back to peaceful nights again. At least there's a light at the end of the tunnel now.
I made the comment of getting back to a "somewhat normal life". It's weird because regardless of whether or not Austin gets seizure free today, I don't think it will ever be quite "normal" again...there's really no going back. I think about the earlier months when Austin was a newborn and I was a wreck thinking, "how am I going to get through this?" I was complaining because Austin was really fussy the first few months, and I thought I'd gotten robbed of the blissful bonding stage. If I only knew what lied ahead...I would gladly take any of that over what we are dealing with now. It seemed to be one thing after another...colic, cradle cap, constant spit up. I wondered if we would ever catch a break. The one thing that separates that with now is that I knew it was only a matter of time before that was over. Now we are left with the unknown. I know I have to take it one day at a time, but it what could be haunts me everyday.
I know you are SO glad tonight is the last shot! Austin is probably glad too LoL
We love yall so much and yall have been in our prayers. If there is anything we can do let us know!
Love yall,
Okay, I'm the mystery deleted comment...
I'm new at this too and tried to edit my comment and it deleted it and left its mark. I'm sorry ...
I was writing about how glad you must be about doing the last injection of that drug and hit the "back" button to get the intials correct.
I imagine that even though this nasty injection med is over it doesn't make the unknown future any less ....
well, unknown.
But your baby steps in this journey (just like Austin's) are making you both strong and even more aware of how precious our lives are!
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